SGV-G: Using Blockchain Technology to Create the Best Renewable Energy that will Save the Ecosystem from Pollution

hThe energy sector is a very big and massive sector which is generating billions of dollars to countries and companies. One of the major challenges faced is pollution caused by these methods of energy generation. Since the demand for energy is on the high side many countries are focusing on expansion of their power plants and other energy generation platforms. Most countries depend on coal, natural gas, nuclear, crude, and hydro to generate their electricity for the country. These sources of energy generation is associated with one form of pollution or the other. The coal for instance is coal associated with excessive heat and carbon dioxide which has been identified as one of the major contributor to global warming and ozone layer depletion. These carbon dioxide combine with ozone in the atmosphere to chlorofluorocarbons which depletes the ozone layer responsible for reflecting away dangerous radiation and heat from reaching the earth. The consequence is excessive heat and radiation getting to the earth which is catastrophic if not checkmated. The UN council and every member country signed a green revolution agreement in Geneva to cut down of pollution generated by every country to help preserve the earth.

The existing companies in the energy sector are not fully optimized in their operations as many countries energy are run by government which is centralized in nature. There is need for more privatization and call on investors to participate in the energy generation but this time green energy which is safer for our health and environment. Renewable energy sources like hydro, solar, wind are being introduced and used by some countries courtesy of green energy companies. More has to be done to create a common platform and increase counterpart funding and support in developing and advancing green energy revolution among countries and companies. This led to the birth of SGV-G which is set to help the energy industry and stakeholder solving most of their challenges using blockchain.


The SGV-G technology is the best that will exist in the renewable energy sector in this world today. The SGV-G systems also work at 24/7 intervals or, in other words, at 8,600 hours per year. They do not use any conventional fuel, SGV-G are driven only by air pressure and gravity. The gap between the two forces quire broad, but it is controlled, accumulated and also reduced. This even makes it possible to combine the two forces of air pressure and gravity, with the result that the vacuum motors can produce a movement that is directly transformed into electrical energy through a conventional PMG magnet generator.

The solution that is provided by the SGV-G Technology is to deliver an inexhaustible source of energy to humanity where it will be possible to obtain energy to humanity where it will be possible to obtain energy which will be resulting from the creation of instabilities between gravity and the atmospheric pressure of this planet. With the distribution of these equipment on this planet, the ecosystem can be returned to life by delivering vitality in sectors where they are currently desert or deliver electricity to remote locations. It is noticed that every year, the generation of energy through fossil fuel emanates the toxic waste to the atmosphere thereby creating a layer of carbon where the sun’s rays are not released to the outside of this planet. This even creates a cloud of heat on the environment that starts to series of environmental problems and catastrophes on the planet. The SGV-G Technology will change the gravity of planet Earth in conjunction with the continuous atmospheric pressure present in all points of planet Earth.

The advantages of SGV-G technology are endless. It is developed based on field forces that exist throughout the planet and the product of this is an inexhaustible source of energy.

All the bodies in the Universe look for a balance, so that in our planet the Atmospheric Pressure is created by the Gravity of the Earth compressing the atmospheric gases over the surface of the Earth. This equation equaled to 0 is the largest source of equilibrium on our planet. The SGV-G Technology was developed looking for a way to break this equilibrium through a vacuum and create a movement through a motor designed and programmed specifically to manipulate the balance between Atmospheric Pressure and Gravity.

Meet the first Energy Generator Vacuum Powered in the World

Vacuum + Gravity = Clean Energy

The Delivery Profits Of The SGV-G Technology

SGV tokens delivery will be executed through an exchange platform selected at the end of the ICO. Through a platform that will be made available on the WEBSITE, the KYC process will be carried out, which will then give access to the SGV token carriers to withdraw the profits that will be distributed in BTC currency to the electronic wallet created by each one of SGV token carriers.

The earnings deliveries are detailed below:

The payments of the Royalty for production will be delivered at the end of each commercial year where the German Corporation of Charity and Development CPS reserves the exact date of delivery of said royalty.

The delivery of the profits obtained by the production of equipment SG-G in Germany will correspond to 30% of the income received by the manufacturing process of 9,000 SGV-G Units in production queue plus the future Units that will be sold to companies buying equipment in Germany. This will then be distributed to the SGV token a carriers in proportion to the contributions given in the development of the ICO SGV-G.

The profits obtained from sales of Licenses executed by the German Corporation of Charity and Development CPS will be delivered at the time of the payment and will be distributed 30% of the income to the SGV token carriers in proportion to the contributions delivered in the development of the ICO SGV-G.

Token and ICO Details

The ICO of the SGV-G Technology consists of a crowd-funding with duration of 13 months. In this process, the tokens will be put on sale and it will give access to participate in the results of the commercial execution of the SGV-G Technology throughout the world. The ICO will be offering 222.385.185 Million SGV tokens with variable values depending on each of the stages of cored funding ICO SGV-G.


The ICO of SGV-G will consist of three stages, which will include an amount of 13months. Each of the stages will aim ti raise the total funds to execute or implement the development of the production project in Germany.

Token Distribution

SGV tokens will be distributed in the following percentages and items assigned by the German Welfare and Development Corporation CPS as seen in the chart below:




For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;







Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=1680409

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